It started as a small family project...

How two brothers from Brooklyn quit their jobs to inspire a global movement of kindness.

Nick and Mike delivering blankets

Our Story

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It was Summer 2016 when Brooklyn brothers Mike and Nick Fiorito quit their 9-5 jobs in search of more meaningful work.

For months, they jumped from one entrepreneurial venture to the next, failing miserably every step of the way.

By the time Winter came around, Mike and Nick were losing all hope.

To get their minds off their failures, Mike and Nick started a GoFundMe campaign to raise money to buy blankets for people living on the freezing cold streets of NYC.

With the helping hands of friends and family, they hand-delivered 100 “Blankets of Hope” to those in need.

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Little did the brothers know, their good deed would pay them back in ways they couldn’t imagine...

On the other side of the country, a video portraying Blankets of Hope had captured the heart of top Forbes-ranked venture capitalist, Todd Chaffee.

Their guardian angel had arrived...

With Todd’s mentorship and financial support, the brothers transformed their small family project into the global movement of kindness it is today!

To date, BOH has partnered with over 500 schools to donate over 150,000 blankets and handwritten notes to those in need!

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Our Mission

To inspire a global movement of kindness, one blanket at a time.

Our Vision

To live in a world united in Love.


of all donations go directly to providing blankets

Our Board of Directors covers our operating costs so 100% of your donation goes directly to the cause

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